Species Profiles
Brush-tailed Rock-Wallaby
Petrogale penicillata
Classification: Vulnerable (National)
Distribution: Atlas of Living Australia
Known populations of the brush-tailed rock-wallaby exist within the Little Liverpool Range. The estimated existing population is approximately 20 000 individuals across their entire range. The rock-wallaby saw their biggest decline between 1890 and 1927 where over half a million skins were sold in the fur trade. Current threats include livestock farming where wallabies have to compete with goats for resources and predation by the introduced fox. Within the range, our goal is to monitor important habitat and restore areas which may have been encroached by introduced pests. So let us know if you have some on your property!
Phascolarctos cinereus
Classification: Vulnerable (National)
Distribution: Atlas of Living Australia
The koala is one of Australia’s most iconic species, however it is very much in the need of our help. Koalas are faced with many challenges from urbanisation, habitat loss from logging, road deaths, and predation to pressures from climate change and drought. The eucalypts of the Little Liverpool Range are home to many koalas making it very important to regenerate and revegetate our landscape. This will help give our resident koalas a boost in the right direction.
Powerful Owl
Ninox strenua
Classification: Vulnerable (QLD)
Distribution: Atlas of Living Australia
The powerful owl is the largest owl in Australia commonly predating on medium to large arboreal mammals. This species has a massive wingspan, reaching up to 140cm. Between 2200 and 2800 individuals are left in the wild. Changing landscapes and the alteration of important habitat are two major factors in the decline of powerful owls. The powerful owl has adapted to living in suburban landscapes and may be living close to you!
Glossy Black-Cockatoo
Calyptorhynchus lathami
Classification: Vulnerable (QLD)
Distribution: Atlas of Living Australia
The glossy black cockatoo is one of Australia’s most threatened cockatoo species. Loss of food trees (Allocasuarina spp.), habitat encroachment by dogs and cats and competition from pest species (such as the Indian myna) threaten glossy black populations across their range. In partnership with our private landholders and other conservation groups we aim to identify, monitor and conserve important glossy black habitat across the little Liverpool Range.
Swamp Tea-Tree
Melaleuca irbyana
Classification: Endangered (QLD)
Distribution: Atlas of Living Australia
Melaleuca woodland is an endangered regional ecosystem only found in south-east Queensland, preferring to grow on poorly drained soils. We are lucky to have a few small areas of Melaleuca irbyana left across the Little Liverpool Range. With only 30% of the original forest remaining, the greatest loss of this endangered woodland has been due to clearing, impact by livestock or encroachment by weed species. With the help of our landholders we aim to identify remnant Melaleuca woodlands and hopefully protect this species from further destruction.
Yellow-footed Antechinus
Antechinus flavipes
Classification: Least concern (QLD)
Distribution: Atlas of Living Australia
This little marsupial may be your neighbour and you would never know it! The yellow-footed antechinus is in the family Dasyuridae - the same family as Tasmanian devils and quolls! They are a semi-arboreal (semi-tree living) species found in an array of habitats from dry eucalypt forest to wetlands. They are primarily nocturnal so you won't see this species running around during the day. An interesting fact about this species - the males exhibit what we call semelparity where most males die after the breeding season.